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Перепишите предложения,вставляя данные в скобках прилагательные в сравнительной либо превосходной степени.Прочитайте написанное:autumm is the...season of the year.(bad).Is history...than botany?(difficult).Which is the...city in Russia?(large).This exercise is...than the next one.(difficult).Ivanov is the...pupil in our class.(good).Literature is the...subject for me.(interesting).Are there...than 20 pupils in your class or...?(many,few)

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1 ответ
Autumm is the worst season of the year.(bad).Is history more difficult than botany?(difficult).Which is the largest city in Russia?(large).This exercise is more difficult than the next one.(difficult).Ivanov is the best pupil in our class.(good).Literature is the most interesting subject for me.(interesting).Are there more than 20 pupils in your class or...?(many,few)
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