The are several pens and pencils on the table 2) My

The are several pens and pencils on the table

2) My dad helped me do some exercises

3) There are several pictures in the book

4)My litle brother has some red cars

5)My brother learnd a few indian words

6)My sister collected some flowers in the garden

7)There are several books in the bag

8)The are a few green apples in the vase

Пожалуйста помогите heeeelppp me вопрос и отрицание в настоящем медли

Задать свой вопрос
1 ответ
1)There are not several pens and pencils on the table
are there several pens and pencils on the table?
2)my dad didn't helped me do some exercises
Did my dad help me do some exercises?
3)There are not several pictures in the book
Are there several pictures in the book?

Кечкова Маргарита
My little brother has not some red cars ;Has my little brother some red cars?
Камилла Завершиева помогите мне с моим вопросом прошуу
Кирилл Бикмеев
А почему только 3
Олег Насонов
Алё гараж Я не поняла я даю для вас 20 баллов а вы мне отвечаете только 3
, оставишь ответ?

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