Помогите,пожалуйста.Вставьте подходящий предлог медли (at, in, on) там, где это

Воткните подходящий предлог медли (at, in, on) там, где это нужно
1. Dinner is usually ______at_____ 7 oclock.
2. We went to Scotland _________ last summer.
3. We have long holidays _______in____ summer.
4. When have we got Biology? - _________ Friday mornings.
5. There is a school party ___________ 31st January.
6. We are _____________ the 21st century.
7. The game is ____________ 9.45.
8. Is there a party ____________ your brothers birthday?
9. Where was he _____________ the weekend?
10. Where is he ___________ the moment?
11. Your teacher isnt here ___________ present.
12. There are usually a lot of parties _________ New Years Eve.
13. He wasnt there _________ the end of the concert.
14. Where are you usually __________ the evening? And __________ night?
15. Do you get any presents ___________ Christmas Day?
16. He was born ___________ 1999.
17. We usually go there ___________ weekends ___________ spring.
18. He phoned me ____________ Tuesday.
19. We went to bed late ____________ last night.
20. He gets up ___________ 7 oclock ___________ weekdays.
21. She was in hospital ___________ that time.
22. The school party is ___________ June 8th __________ 8 oclock.
23. I'm leaving __________ next Saturday.

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1 ответ
1. At
2. In
3. In
4. On
5. On
6. In
7. At
8. At
9. on
10. At
11. In
12. On
13. At
14. In, at
15. On
16. In
17. At, in
18. On
19. At
20. At, on
21. At
22. In, at
23. On
, оставишь ответ?

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