ПОЖАЛУЙСТА Сделайте ДАМ 40 Пиров В Заблаговременно СПАСИБО!!! заполните пробелы глаголами

ПОЖАЛУЙСТА ВЫПОЛНИТЕ ДАМ 40 Пиров В Заблаговременно СПАСИБО!!! заполните пробелы глаголами в форме истинного обычного или истинного долгого медли: 1. Its seven oclock and they (go) ____ to school now. 2. Mrs Cooper (eat) ____ in the restaurant every Sunday. 3. Our cat never (jump) ____ on the kitchen table. 4. Look! The men (wear) ____ blue uniforms. 5. Curt always (play) ____ his guitar inthe afternoon. 6. The taxi (wait) ____ for them at the moment. 7. He always (help) ____ his grandmother with her coat. 8. They never (eat) ____ very much. 9. Listen! Bill (play) ____ his electric guitar. 10. He (wash) ____ his car now.

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2 ответа

1are going



4are wearing


6is waiting



9is playing

10is washing

1. Its seven oclock and they _are going___ to school now. 2. Mrs Cooper eats ____ in the restaurant every Sunday. 3. Our cat never  jumps  on the kitchen table. 4. Look! The men are wearing ____ blue uniforms. 5. Curt always plays____ his guitar in the afternoon. 6. The taxi is waiting___ for them at the moment. 7. He always helps ____ his grandmother with her coat. 8. They never eat____ very much. 9. Listen! Bill is playing ____ his electric guitar. 10. He is washing____ his car now.

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