1. Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в Present Simple, Past Simple либо

1. Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в Present Simple, Past Simple либо Future Simple.

We (go) roller-skating last Saturday.
Our granny (bake) meat-pies every weekend.
We (write) an essay tomorrow.
I really (enjoy) the opera yesterday.
Where your husband (work) five years ago?
British people (prefer) tea to coffee.
Tom, you (meet) me at the railway station next Sunday?
Where she usually (celebrate) her birthdays?
you (have) a big family?
Newton (invent) the telescope in 1668.
When this accident (happen)?
I always (send) Christmas cards to my grandparents.
Nina and Nick (get married) in two weeks.
How many books they (bring) tomorrow?
Stanley (have) two sons and a daughter.
2. Поставьте глагол to be в одну из форм Simple.

your girlfriend Italian?
I afraid of spiders.
There a lot of tourists in our caf yesterday.
Peter in Africa next winter.
We never late for our Drawing classes.
I 70 years old in 2050.
She my neighbor last year.
It usually very hot in Egypt.
I born in September.
My parents doctors.
3. Выпишите из текста глаголы в форме Present Simple, Past Simple и Future Simple. Переведите текст.

Clara had a car accident when she was ten years old. When she grew up she was afraid of cars. Then she met Brad who was a professional racing driver. He wanted to help her and drove her in his car every day. So in five years Clara became a racing driver too. Now she drives 200 km per hour and takes part in sports championships. She really enjoys driving and has a lot of future plans. Next year she will open a driving school. And Clara and Brad will get married quite soon.

4. Превратите утвердительные предложения в отрицательные, обращая внимание на форму глагола-сказуемого.

This coat belongs to Jane.
I drive to Moscow once a month.
Your boss is very impudent.
The car stopped near the bank.
The soup was delicious.
The concert will start at 7 p.m.
Her shoes are dirty.
I bought the curtains for my bedroom.
I am a football fan.
Their wedding will be in spring.

Задать свой вопрос
1 ответ

1. We went roller-skating last Saturday.

Our granny bakes meat-pies every weekend.

We will write an essay tomorrow.

I really enjoyed the opera yesterday.

Where did your husband work five years ago?

British people prefer tea to coffee.

Tom, will you meet me at the railway station next Sunday?

Where does she usually celebrate her birthdays?

Do you have a big family?

Newton invented the telescope in 1668.

When did this accident happen?

I always send Christmas cards to my grandparents.

Nina and Nick wil get married in two weeks.

How many will books they bring tomorrow?

Stanley haves two sons and a daughter.

2. Are your girlfriend Italian?

I am afraid of spiders.

There were a lot of tourists in our caf yesterday.

Peter will be in Africa next winter.

We are never late for our Drawing classes.

I will be 70 years old in 2050.

She was my neighbor last year.

It is usually very hot in Egypt.

I was born in September.

My parents are doctors.

3 Клара попала в аварию, когда ей было десять лет. Когда она выросла, то побаивалась машин. Потом она встретила Брэда, который был проф гонщиком. Он желал посодействовать ей, и каждый день возил ее на собственной машине. Через пять лет Клара тоже стала гонщиком. Сейчас она ездит 200 км в час и участвует в спортивных чемпионатов. Ей очень нравится водить машину, и у нее много планов на будущее. В последующем году она откроет автошколу. Клара и Брэд поженятся очень быстро.

Future Simple: will open, will get married;

Past Simple: grew up, was afraid, met, wanted, drove, became;

Present Simple: drives, takes part, enjoys;

4 This coat doesn't belong to Jane.

I don't drive to Moscow once a month.

Your boss isn't very impudent.

The car didn't stop near the bank.

The soup wasn't delicious.

The concert won't start at 7pm.

Her shoes aren't dirty.

I didn't buy curtains for the bedroom.

Iam not a football fan.

Their wedding won't be in spring.

, оставишь ответ?

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