Нужно найти ошибку и поправить её, помогите пожалуйста :(There is one

Нужно отыскать ошибку и поправить её, помогите пожалуйста :(
There is one mistake in each sentence. Find it and correct it.

1 Rae comes from Canada and he speak French and English.
2 Which subjects Susan is studying at university?
3 Do you like football? Yes, i like.
4 Did you watched the match last night?
5 What does your parents do at the weekend?
6 I thing is goinig to rain.
7 What was you talking to the teacher about?
8 I dont thing John's arrive yet.

Задать свой вопрос
1 ответ

1. Rae comes from Canada and he speaks French and English .

2. What subjects is Susan studing at the University?

3. Do you like football? Yes, I do.

4. Did you watch the match last night?

5. What do your parents do at the weekend?

6. I think it's going to rain.

7. What were you talking to the teacher about?

8. I don't think John has arrived yet.

, оставишь ответ?

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