ДАЮ 35 БАЛЛОВПерепишите предложения в сообщаемой речиI enjoy thrillers, said Dima.We

Перепишите предложения в извещаемой речи
I enjoy thrillers, said Dima.
We will go to Sochi next week, said Polina.
I have written an essay on Literature, said Kirill.
Polina can swim well, said Jane.
Translate the text! said Ilya.
I am doing my homework now, said Kate.
Dont run! said Lev.
Do you like strawberry jam? asked Slava.
Where do koalas live? asked Vitalina.
When is your birthday? asked Yura.
We have English three times a week, said Artyom.
I have been to the zoo twice, said Vova.
I am chatting with my friends now, said Alisa.
We watched a very interesting movie two days ago, said Timofey.
I can run fast, said Vlad.
Dont make noise! said Nastya.
Help me with my homework, said Danya.
Can you go with me? asked Katya.
Our dog is clever, said Daniil.
We will have a test tomorrow, said Zhenya.

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1 ответ

Dima said that he enjoied thrillers

Polina said that they wll go to Sochi next week

kirill said that he written an essay on literature

Jane said that Polina can swim well

Ilya said that I shold Translate the text!

Kate said you are doing my homework now

Lev said we shouldnt run!

Slava asked do i like strawberry jam

Vitalina asked Where do koalas live?

Yura asked when are my birthday?

Artyom said that We have English three times a week

Vova said that he has been to the zoo twice

Alisa said that she is chatting with her friends now

Timofey said they watched a very interesting movie two days ago

Vlad said that he can run fast

Nastya said to dont make noise!

Danya asked to help him with his homework

Danill said that Our dog is clever

Zhenya said they will have a test tomorrow

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