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Помогите с тестом, пожалуйста (

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1. Last year they lived in a small house in the country. В прошедшем году они жили в малюсеньком доме в деревне.

2. I walked quickly because I felt cold. Я шел живо, поэтому что мне было холодно.

3. My husband spoke to his boss yesterday. Мой супруг вчера разговаривал со своим боссом.

4. Five years ago my brother sold his farm and bought a business in a small town. Пять лет вспять мой брат продал ферму и покупал бизнес в махоньком городе.

5. I was very busy with my exam. So I did not help her much. Я был занят экзаменом, поэтому я не очень ей посодействовал.

6. He met Mary and fell in love with her. Он повстречал Мэри и втюрился в нее.

7. Yesterday I did not hear this song. Вчера я не слышал эту песню.


1. Were you at Charlie's party? Ты был на вечеринке Чарли?

2. Who was Leonardo Da Vinci? Кем был Леонардо да Винчи?

3. When did he die? Когда он погиб?

4. What did you think of the film? Что ты подумал о кинофильме?

5. Who watched this film yesterday? Кто смотрел этот кинофильм вчера?

6. She sang very well last night. Она очень хорошо напевала прошлой ночкой.


1. She could speak three languages when she was 10.

2. I was in the cinema last night.

3. I bought a new video.

4. Did you watch football on TV last evening?

5. Where did you go yesterday?

6. We didn't like the film.


We spent last summer at Black Sea. It was amazing. We met interesting people. We were at the beach in afternoon. We swam and took sunbathes there. In evening we usually walked in the city and enjoyed beautiful views. We took many photos.


1) Who was Walter Raleigh? When did Walter Raleigh introduce tobacco and potatoes to Europe?

2) What languages does she speak? How did she learn foreign languages?

3) Are they good at playing volleyball? Do they like playing volleyball?

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