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Помогите составит,30 баллов (на британском составить, с переводом тоже)

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At first, let us understand what hobby actually is: Hobby is an activity which is being done regularly in one's free time for pleasure.

Most probably, people have hobbies to bring something interesting in their lives, to differentiate their working routine and spend their time on something what can really make them happy. Without hobbies, life would have been too boring and too monotonous.

One of the most popular category of hobbies is obviously спорт. People like спорт so much because it does not give only fun and pleasure but also improve a person's health and mood. Also, there are a lot of different types of sports: group or individual ones, summer or winter ones and etc; So that anyone would be able to find something suitable for him.

A good hobby for a modern schoolchild is something that would include physical activity. After long hours spent in school, a child should throw out all the energy collected during the day. For such purposes, basketball or football are the best choices.

What is for me, I am really into swimming. I try to attend a swimming pool every Saturday. This hobby helps me to relax and keep my body fit and healthy.

In conclusion I would like to say that having a hobby is a must! It is important not only for children but also for adults; And sticking to your hobby will make your live better in all the aspects.

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