5. Translate the sentences and make the correct form of Participle.

5. Translate the sentences and make the correct form of Participle.
1. That man (standing/stood) at the window is my uncle.
2. Mother became angry because she saw a (smoking/smoked) cigarette.
3. Our home task is to make up sentences with the (leaming/leamt) words.
4. When (visiting/visited) the museum we saw a lot of species of extinct animals.
5. Our teacher wanted us to discuss the (reading/read) book.
6. On the table I found a (writing/written) message for Jane.
7. (Speaking/spoken) too loudly he drew our teachers attention.
8. The friends went out into the city (left/lea ving) their cases at the left luggage department.
9. (written/writing) and (left/leaving) a note with the porter, he said he would be back in a half-hour.
10. The children looked wonderingly at the elephant, never (seen/seeing) such a huge animal.

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1. That man standing at the window is my uncle.

стоящий около окна мужик- мой дядя.

2. Mother became angry because she saw a smoked cigarette.

Мать злилась, когда лицезрела зажжёную сигарету

3. Our home task is to make up sentences with the learnt words.  

Наше семейное задание состоит в том, чтобы составить предложения с выученными словами.

4. When visiting the museum we saw a lot of species of extinct animals.

Навещая музей , мы лицезрели много видов вымерших животных.

5. Our teacher wanted us to discuss the read book.  

Наш учитель желал, чтоб мы обсудили прочитанную книжку.

6. On the table I found a written message for Jane.

На столе я нашёл записку, написанную для Джейн.  

7. Speaking too loudly he drew our teachers attention.

Собеседуя очень громко, он привлёк внимание нашего учителя.  

8. The friends went out into the city leaving their cases at the left luggage department.  

Друзья ушли в город, оставив свои чемоданы в камере хранения.

9. Writing and leaving a note with the porter, he said he would be back in a half-hour.  

Написав и оставив записку у портье, он сказал, что возвратится через полчаса.

10. The children looked wonderingly at the elephant, never seen such a huge animal.

Детки с любопытсвом глядели на слона, никогда не видев такового большого животного ранее.

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