переведите текст на английскийТауэрский мост находится в центре Лондона над рекой

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Тауэрский мост находится в центре Лондона над рекой Темзой. Мост является одним из знаков Лондона и Британии. Длина Тауэрского моста 244 метра, а вышина башен достигает 65 метров. Он строился между 1886-1894 годами. Мост спроектировал Хорас Джонс. Над строительством моста трудились более 400 рабочих в течение 8 лет. Полная стоимость конструкции составила 1 184 000 фунтов стерлингов. На творение металлических конструкций было потрачено 11 000 тонн стали. Паровые машины использовались для поднятия моста, чтоб корабли могли пройти под ним. Ранее мост разводился до 50 раз в денек, но в наши дни 4-5 раз в неделю

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Tower Bridge is located in central London over the River Thames. The bridge is one of the symbols of London and Britain. The length of the Tower Bridge is 244 meters, and the height of the towers reaches 65 meters. It was built between 1886-1894 years. The bridge was designed by Horace Jones. Over 400 workers worked on the bridge construction for 8 years. The total cost of construction amounted to 1,184,000 pounds. The creation of metal structures was spent 11,000 tons of steel. Steam machines were used to raise the bridge so that ships could pass under it. Previously, the bridge was diluted up to 50 times a day, but nowadays 4-5 times a week.


Tower Bridge is located in central London over the River Thames. The bridge is one of the symbols of London and Britain. The length of the Tower Bridge is 244 meters, and the height of the towers reaches 65 meters. It was built between 1886-1894 years. The bridge was designed by Horace Jones. Over 400 workers worked on the bridge construction for 8 years. The total cost of construction amounted to 1,184,000 pounds. The creation of metal structures was spent 11,000 tons of steel. Steam machines were used to raise the bridge so that ships could pass under it. Previously, the bridge was diluted up to 50 times a day, but nowadays 4-5 times a week

\_(^_^)_/ лайк если помог :3

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