Всё привет помогите пожалуйста с английским 2 задание

Всё привет помогите пожалуйста с английским 2 задание

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Колька Киришун
надобно заполнить пропуски словами из правой доли так чтобы они подходили по смыслу
1 ответ

1. What's the weather like? - It is raining.

2. I don't like autumn. It often rains.

3. It doesn't snow in this part of the country.

4. I think it will rain tomorrow.

5. The sun doesn't shine every day.

6. Does the sun rise early in March?

7. Paul is in the kitchen. He is having lunch.

8. Yesterday Paul got out of bed and switched off the alarm clock. Then he went into the bathroom and washed himself. He took a towel and dried himself.

9. I was born in Kostroma but when I was three we moved to Smolensk. I still remember Kostroma.

10. Why are you so sad? What are you thinking about?

11. What do you think of my idea?

12. An event of great importance took place in 988.

13. Prince Yaroslav's son married the daughter of the Byzantine Emperor Constantin Monomachus.

14. Look. The baby is smiling.

15. They used to celebrate the holiday.

16. They are at their grandparents'. They are celebrating the holiday. They always celebrate the holiday. They celebrated the event at seven o'clock yesterday.

Шамнов Павел
ее, в успела первой20:36
Vitalik Cherenkov
Misha Jutjaev
можешь ещё мне немножко посодействовать пожалуйста??))))
Амелия Менджирицкая
только не пиши так много
Артём Самро
только ответ
Данька Аверичев
Процак Анжелика
50 могу на киви кинуть если сейчас сделаешь
ссылку на вк сбрось
, оставишь ответ?

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