Помоги пожалуйста!!! Даю 50 баллов) номер 9

Помоги пожалуйста!!! Даю 50 баллов) номер 9

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Vadim Parubec
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1 ответ

Cindy is going to study hard because she wants to finish the university.

She wants to finish the university, so she is going to study hard.

Cindy is going to study hard to finish the university.

Cindy is going to take French lessons because she wants to get a job in France.

She wants to get a job in France,so she is going to take French lessons.

She is going to take French lessons to get a job in France.

Cindy is going to stay at home because she wants to relax.

She wants to relax,so she is going to stay at home.

She is going to stay at home to relax.

Cindy is going to buy a new dress because she wants to go to the party.

She wants to go to the party ,so she is going to buy a new dress.

She is going to buy a new dress to go to the party.

Вернер Ольга
Спасибо!!! Очень посодействовал(ла)!!!!!!!!
Амина Вольфензон
Не за что!сможете отметить мой ответ как наилучший
, оставишь ответ?

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