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1 ответ

I 1) Who told you about it?

2) "You must always say "hello" to you friends" young mother said to her little son.

3) Can your sister speak German?

4) They talked for two hours about plans for the coming holidays.

5) Did Mr. Brown speak at the last meeting?

II 1) The will be able visit Moscow next week.

2) She will have to study French next year.

3 ) He could not lecture on French art last year.

4 ) You had to stay at the college library the day before yesterday

5) Will she be able to bring me a few books next Friday?

III 1) Have you seen Peter and ... this morning?

2 ) Yes, I have met them a few minutes ago

3 ) Have you ever been to Odessa?

4) Yes, I spent my holidays there last summer

5) That's a beautiful son. Who sings it?

6) Where will you go for your holidays next summer?

IV 1) The engineer who was here yesterday has gone to London.

2) The doctor who she visited is very famous.

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