Помогите пожалуйста!Помогите конвертировать из прямой речи в косвенную Задание: report what

Помогите пожалуйста!Помогите конвертировать из прямой речи в косвенную Задание: report what these people asked or said:1 Oleg: Where did you see a canoe? 2 Frank: How long did they travel in the Sahara desert? 3 Alice: How far did the plain stretch? 4 Sam: What do you call the mixture you have prepared? 5 Nick: Were there many people on the bank of the river? 6 Betty: Have you heard anything of the mighty American rivers?

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1. Oleg asked me where I had seen a canoe.

2. Frank asked they how long they had travelled in the Sahara desert.

3. Alice asked me how far the plain had stretched.

4. Sam asked me what I called the mixture I had prepared.

5. Nick asked me if there had been many people on the bank of the river.

6. Betty asked me if I had heard anything of the mighty American rivers.

Колян Таканаев
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