Answer the questions using last and ago and the words in

Answer the questions using last and ago and the words in brackets.


When did you speak to Peter? (week)

Last week.

1) When did we clean the windows? (six months)

2) When did the film start? (five minutes)

3) When did you see your cousin? (Monday)

Task 2.

Put these sentences into the Past Simple. Write them in the positive form, the question form and the negative form.

Example: She gets up early in the morning.

She got up early in the morning.

Did she get up early in the morning?

She didnt get up early in the morning.

1) He teaches history at school.

2) They leave home at 8 oclock.

3) He stays in very good hotels.

4) You drink a lot of tea.

5) I look very tired.

6) We stop in London.

7) The shop closes at 7 oclock.

8) Pam buys a lot of clothes.

9) The birds fly away to other countries.

Task 3.

Look at the pictures and write the ordinal numbers. Be careful. Look at the example first.

Example: The fish is the fifth.

4 kl.png

1) The lemon is _______________________.

2) The crocodile is _______________________.

3) The banana is _______________________.

4) The panda is _______________________.

5) The lion is _______________________.

6) The dolphin is _______________________.

7) The orange is _______________________. помогите мне плизззззззззззззз

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1 ответ


1) Six months ago

2)Five minutes ago

3)Last monday










Аделина Пливарова
если не знаешь не пиши если знаешь тогда пиши сообразил ла
Эдель Ленька
Я желая бы помогла с 1 и 3 ответом.А ты своим яростным коментарием никому не посодействовал.
Бруднов Виктор
спасибо но мне нужно все
не обижайся
, оставишь ответ?

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