45 баллов срочноооооооооооо3. Complete the dialogue with the verbs in brackets.Kate:

45 баллов срочноооооооооооо

3. Complete the dialogue with the verbs in brackets.

Kate: Leo, I am having some problems, I must confess.

Leo: Are you? Whats the matter? You know, if my friends _________

(have) problems I always _________ (help) them.

Kate: Yes, I know. Thats why I decided to talk to you. You know, when

I ________ (see) the yellow color, I _________ (feel) scared.

Leo: Oh, I am a bit confused. Have you visited a doctor?

Kate: No, not yet. I feel embarrassed about it. I think if I __________

(tell) them, they _________ (smile) at me.

Leo: No, I am sure in case of phobia we all should consult a specialist to

get rid of it. Ill find a doctor for you and go with you.

Kate: Oh, thanks a lot. You are real friend.

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Kate: Leo, I am having some problems, I must confess.

Leo: Are you? Whats the matter? You know, if my friends have

problems I always help them.

Kate: Yes, I know. Thats why I decided to talk to you. You know, when

I see the yellow color, I feel scared.

Leo: Oh, I am a bit confused. Have you visited a doctor?

Kate: No, not yet. I feel embarrassed about it. I think if I

tell them, they will smile at me.

Leo: No, I am sure in case of phobia we all should consult a specialist to

get rid of it. Ill find a doctor for you and go with you.

Kate: Oh, thanks a lot. You are real friend.    

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