Помоги срочно, пожалуйста 30 баллов Dust Sprinkle Tip Turn Add

Помоги безотлагательно, пожалуйста 30 баллов

Dust Sprinkle Tip Turn Add Preheat Place Leave Griddle knead mix grease cut roll flip


I. 1) ________ the flour into a large mixing bowl. 2) _______ the yeast on one side of the flour and the salt into the other side of the flour. 3) _______ the sugar, butter, egg and milk, then 4)_______ all the ingredients together to form a soft dough.

II. 5) ________the mixture out of the bowl onto a lightly floured surface and 6)_______ for 10 minutes, or until soft, smooth and stretchy.

III. Lightly 7) _______ a large bowl with oil. 8) _______ the dough in the oiled bowl, cover and leave to prove for about one hour, or until doubled in size.

IV. 9) _______ the work surface with a mixture of the semolina/polenta and flour. Tip the dough out onto the work surface and 10)_____ out to about 2.5cm thick.

V. Lightly dust two baking trays with half of the semolina or polenta.

VI. Using a 9cm/3oz straight-sided cutter, 11)______ out eight muffins. Place four muffins, evenly spaced apart on each of the dusted baking trays. Dust the remaining semolina or polenta over the top of the muffins.

VII. 12)________ to prove for another 30 minutes.

VIII. 13)_________ the hot plate or a heavy-based frying pan on the hob to a very low heat. 14)________ the muffins for approximately 5-6 minutes, then 15)______over and griddle for another 5-6 minutes on the other side.

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1. place

2. turn

3. add

4. mix

5. tip

6. leave

7. grease

8. knead

9. sprinkle

10. roll

11. cut

12. dust

13. preheat

14. griddle

15. flip

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