Помогите, кто знает. Необходимо в указаных предложениях при необходимости поставить запятые.1.

Помогите, кто знает. Необходимо в указаных предложениях при необходимости поставить запятые.

1. The question ___ that is bound to come up during the discussion ___ will help us to see the problem.
2. Mr. Hardiman ___ who is an elderly man ___ is now redundant.
Bob Hardiman ___ who had left the company to look after his father ___ rejoined Harper amp; Grant Ltd. after his fathers death.
4. The contribution ___ which Mr. Hardiman had paid into the pension fund ___ gave him the right to qualify for a pension.
5. Mr. Nelson ___ who is due to retire ___ is entitled to a full pension.
6. The people ___ who live next door ___ helped my father to find retraining courses.
7. Interest on bank borrowings and other loans ___ that we paid ___ left 1 million, and we can transfer it to reserves.
8. A friend of mine ___ whose father is the manager of the company ___ helped me to get a job.
9. The population of London ___ which was once the largest city of the world ___ is now falling.
10. The first category of statistics ___ that make up the composite index of leading economic indicators ___ is employment.

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1 ответ

Речь идет о defining relative clauses (они НЕ выделяются) и non-defining relative clauses (они выделяются). В первом случае придаточную часть (часть, в которой содержится дополнительная информация) убирать НЕЛЬЗЯ, так как это приведет к неясности предложения и/либо нарушения смысла. В этом случае эта придаточная часть является главный уточняющей информацией. Во втором случае эту часть убрать можно, так как если мы ее уберем, смысл предложения не потеряется. В этом случае эта придаточная часть играет роль дополняющей, дополнительной, не совсем главной инфы.

1. The question that is bound to come up during the discussion will help us to see the problem.  (тут нет запятых, так как информация главная, без нее мы не поймем какой конкретно вопрос поможет нам разобраться с проблемой)

2. Mr. Hardiman, who is an elderly man, is now redundant.  (здесь есть запятые, так как информация не важная, без нее мы усвоим какой именно мужик уволен (мистер Хардимен) )

3. Bob Hardiman who had left the company to look after his father rejoined Harper amp; Grant Ltd. after his fathers death.

4. The contribution which Mr. Hardiman had paid into the pension fund gave him the right to qualify for a pension.

5. Mr. Nelson, who is due to retire, is entitled to a full pension.

6. The people who live next door helped my father to find retraining courses.

7. Interest on bank borrowings and other loans, that we paid, left 1 million, and we can transfer it to reserves.

8. A friend of mine whose father is the manager of the company helped me to get a job.

9. The population of London, which was once the largest city of the world, is now falling.

10. The first category of statistics that make up the composite index of leading economic indicators is employment.

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