ПОМОГИТЕ ПО АНГЛ СРОЧНОООО!!! Rewrite sentences in the passive. Pay attention

ПОМОГИТЕ ПО АНГЛ СРОЧНОООО!!! Rewrite sentences in the passive. Pay attention to the use of modal verbs in passive structures. (Перепиши предложения в пассивном закладе. Обрати внимание на употребление модальных глаголов в пассивных конструкциях.)

Children may take their toys to the class.
Childrens toys
to the class.

1. Somebody must call the police.
The police

2. Parents must keep medicine in a safe place.
by parents in a safe place.

3. Mary must bring the letters today.
The letters
by Mary today.

4. We have to fix the roof as soon as possible.
The roof
as soon as possible.

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1 ответ

1 The police must be called.

2 medicine must be kept by parents in a safe place.

3 the letters must be brought by Mary today.

4 the roof has to be fixed as soon as possible.

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