Помогите пожалуйста выполнить 2 задания1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present

Помогите пожалуйста выполнить 2 задания
1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple или Present Continuous (Progressive).
1. We (perform) pieces of music on musical instruments every morning.
2. What this word (mean)?
3. At this moment we (do) an exercise on transposition.
4. you (know) that boy over there?
5. "What you (do), Tom?" "I (harmonize)." "Let me see what you (harmonize)."
6. you (see) anything?
7. I (not remember) his name exactly.
8. Grandpa (be) by himself in the library. Grandpa (do) the orchestration.
9. I (hope) you (know) where he (live).
10. " you (read), dear?" "Yes." "What (be) the book about?" "Don't talk to him while he (read)."
11. You (play) too loudly, so of course you (get) deaf.
12. How long it (take) you to get to the Institute, usually?
13. you (like) what you (do) now?
14. "It (snow) now?" "Yes, it (snow) very hard. You can't go out yet."
15. What you (want)?
16. "Hello!" said Freddie. "What you (do) here?"
17. "You (wear) a new coat?" "Yes, you (like) it?" "The colour (suit) you but it (not fit) you very well. It (be) much too big."
18. Mr. Black often (go) to the theatre but his sister (not go) very often. He (like) all sorts of plays. She (prefer) comedies.
19. "Why that man (stand) in the middle of the stage?" "He (try) to concentrate. ".
20. "Why he (not use) an accompanist ?" "Some people (not bother) to use an
accompanist. They (risk) singing solo."

2. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple или Past Continuous (Progressive).
1. He book and to read. (open, start)
2. We the music, when suddenly the electricity off. (enjoy, go)
3. Everyone quietly. Suddenly they ... noise. (talk, hear)
4. When I the doorbell, I ... downstairs. (hear, run)
5. The conductor the contract when the manager . (check, call)
6. When she the news, she ... to cry. (hear, begin)
7. The students a test when the bell ... . (write, ring)

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1.we perform

2. What does this word mean ?

3.were doing

4.Do yo know

5.What are you doing?What are you harmonizing

6.Do you see?

7.I dont remember

8.Grandpa is . Grandpa is doing

9.I hope you know where he lives

10Are you reading?What does this book about?While he is reading

11.You are playing.You get

12.How long does it takes?

13.Do you like what are you doing

14. Is it snowing? It is snowing

15.what do you want ?

16.What are you doing?

17.Are you wearing?Do you like it ? Colour suits you , doesnt fit. It is

18.Mr. Black goes, his sister doesnt go. He likes. She prefers

19.Why is that man standing? He is trying

20.Why doesnt he ? People dont bother.

They are risking.

1.he opened and started

2.We were enjoying . Electricity went

3.Everyone were talking . They heard

4.I heard. I was

5.Conductor was checking, manager called

6. She heard , she began

7. Students were writing the bell rang



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