ДАЮ 40 БАЛЛОВ На английском помогитеПопробуйте убедить клиента купить отпуск в

На британском помогите
Попробуйте уверить клиента купить отпуск в вашем агентстве. Опишите все его преимущества: размещение места, пейзажи, методы путешествий, цены, экскурсии и другие мероприятия.

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Япония будет тебе.
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2 ответа

Welcome to our vacation agency! Here you can book yourself a great vacation, with a beautiful landscape, cheap hotel, and free entertainment. You can visit various beaches where you can take a steam bath. And in the room of your hotel there will be a jacuzzi, excellent cuisine, a comfortable bedroom, and so on. And in the back of the hotel you will find a huge pool! Visit the pool twice and get any free drink! You may also visit famous galleries, restaurants and free parties! We are waiting for you in our agency!

Надеюсь поможет!

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Нелли Кочекина
Валерия Дохалова
можешь мне помочь?
с англ яз
Дудовский Арсений
Ложичкин Валек
помогу я
Милена Люцарева
спасибо! !!
Леонид Скубенко
очень безотлагательно
Кристина Ковяко


I recommend Japan a country of the rising sun.

There is no expensive sea. There is from traditional gardens to architecture and breathtaking landscapes, there is everything for sophisticated travelers.

Historical sights

Among the many historical sights of Japan, there is something to see, whether it is the Daitokuji Temple in Kyoto, or the famous Big Buddha of the Kotoku-In temple, Japan is one of several places where you can really see a glimpse of past generations.

No one knows exactly how many festivals take place in Japan every year, but an estimated 100,000 are estimated. This means that whenever you come to Japan, you can always go to some festival.

The variety of food is impressive, from traditional cuisine to children's beer and panties.


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