2 Complete the dialogues with the wordsin the boxcomfortable transporttunnels steamengines

2 Complete the dialogues with the words
in the box
comfortable transport
tunnels steam
engines coal
1 What's your favourite means of______?
I love travelling by train.
2 Really! Why do you like it?
I think it's a really_____?
way to travel
3 Yes, it is. Have you ever been on a_____?
Yes, I have, but the_____?
makes the
air dirty
4 Yes, and the_____
are very noisy!
It is still a nice way to travel though.
5 Yes, and I love going through long
on a train!

Задать свой вопрос
Данька Шагайко
помогите пж
1 ответ

1. transport

2. comfortable

3. coal

4. steam

5. engines

6. tunnels

Валя Курнафейкина
спасибо огромное
, оставишь ответ?

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