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Напишите безотлагательно решение всех номеров!!!! Дам 15 баллов!!!

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2 ответа

Ответ:2) Did Tina buy bananas yesterday?  

   3) Did the children go to the zoo?  

   4) Did they have an English lesson on Monday?  

   5) Did we finish our homework two hours later?  

   6) Did the train arrive at 5 p.m.?  

   7) Did the Boys play tennis in the park?  

2. 2) Tina didn't buy apples yesterday.

   3) The Girls didn't go to the cinema.  

   4) They didn't have a Russian lesson on Monday.  

   5) We didn't finish our test two hours ago.

   6) The bus didn't arrive at 6 p.m.  

   7) They didn't play tennis in the park.

3. 2) didn't watch  

   3) What did you do Last Monday?  

   4) Where did you go Last week?  

   5) went  

   6) Did  Nisk meet his aunt on holiday?  

   7) What did Jack buy in the Shop?


Алиса Бовда
ну как то так
Оксана Миллиареси
Спасибо всем!!!

1. 2) Did Tina buy bananas yesterday?

3) Did the children go to the zoo?

4) Did they have an English lesson on Monday?

5) Did we finish our homework two hours later?

6) Did the train arrive at 5 p.m.?

7) Did the Boys play tennis in the park?

2. 2) Tina didn't buy apples yesterday.

3) The Girls didn't go to the cinema.

4) They didn't have a Russian lesson on Monday.

5) We didn't finish our test two hours ago.

6) The bus didn't arrive at 6 p.m.

7) They didn't play tennis in the park.

3. 2) didn't watch

3) What did you do Last Monday?

4) Where did you go Last week?

5) went

6) Did Nisk meet his aunt on holiday?

7) What did Jack buy in the Shop?

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