СРОЧНО!! Опиши на английском собственный заключительный поход в магазин с матерью

СРОЧНО!! Опиши на британском собственный заключительный поход в магазин с мамой (5-10 предложений)

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All people can be divided into shopaholics and those who hate shopping. I definitely fall into the second category, but as we all know shopping is a pressing necessity. I do little shopping during the week because Im usually busy studying. If I do go somewhere to buy some food its within walking distance from my home. For instance, I occasionally go to the butchers to buy some meet or to the greengrocers for some vegetables. I sometimes go to the chemists if I need some medicine.


Today I went to the store with my mother As we walked we went through many stores. and went to the clothing store

There we bought beautiful dresses with unusual embroidery.I was very pleased, this dress was blue with a small belt Then we went home

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