Воткните глагол в предложение в подходящей форме1. We usually _________ our

Воткните глагол в предложение в подходящей форме

1. We usually _________ our granny about the country. HELP

2. He always __________ in time. COME

3. I___________________ an interesting book now. READ

4. _____he ____________a letter to his friend now? WRITE

5. We ________________to the sea next month. GO

6._________ you___________ me tomorrow? VISIT

7. I________ him yesterday. SEE

8. We ____________ in the country last year. LIVE

9. I__________already _________my homework. DO

10. He ________ never _________ to London. BE

Задать свой вопрос
2 ответа

1) we usually help our granny about the country

2) he always comes in time

3) I am reading an interesting book now.

4) Is he writing a letter to his friend now?

5) We will go to the sea next month.

6) Will you visit me tomorrow ?

7) I saw him yesterday.

8) We lived in the country last year.

9) I have already do my homework.

10) He has never been to London.


Если нужна помощь- обращайся)

Danka Tunickij
Братан помоги
Екатерина Кумова-Швыдкова
Люда Курячая
Я девченка
Боря Шавеко
Меня Эвелин зовут




3.am reading

4.Is he writing

5.will go

6.Will you visit

7.I saw him

8.We lived

9.I have already done

10.He has never been


Камилла Пимохина
Если что довольно поглядеть на время характеристики и осознать какое писать время)
Bespalko Evgenij
You have 30 minutes to do this task. You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend, Ann. ...I need your advice. I love shopping but I dont get enough pocket money to go shopping myself even as I try to save it up for a month.
That's why I always go shopping with my mum, but it always turns to the nightmare for me. We have absolutely different point of view to the fashion. And we always start arguing. I dont know how to solve this problem. Do you like shopping? Who do you go shopping with ? Do you choose your clothes yourself?.. Write her a letter and answer her 3 questions. Write 100120 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.
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