I. Open the brackets1) He (travels, travelled, will travel) a lot

I. Open the brackets
1) He (travels, travelled, will travel) a lot next year.
2) My sister usually (goes, has gone, will go) to the Black Sea.
3) You (swim, swam, will swim) in the ocean.
4) I (eat, ate, will eat) two ice-creams an hour ago.
5) We (play, played, will play) tennis last year.
6) The girl (draw, is drawing, drew) a picture now.
7) They (are watching, was watching, were watching) TV at 5 o'clock yesterday.
8)I (watched / was watching) was watching the film when my parents ( came/were
coming) came in.
9) She (had/was having)
tea at 5 o'clock yesterday.
_, Polly (left/ was
10)When the storm (began/was beginning).
the theatre.
home, it ( snowed/was
11)While Bob (drove/ was driving)
the piano while he (did/ was
12)She (played/was playing).
the flat.
the dog while it (rained was
13)Betsy (walked/ was walking).
along the street, he (saw/ was
14)When Alec (ran/was running).
his neighbour.

Задать свой вопрос
1 ответ
1. will travel
2. goes
3. swim
4. ate
5. played
6. is drawing
7. were watching
8. was watching, came
9. had
10. began, was snowing
11. was driving, saw
, оставишь ответ?

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