Британский. Простое задание

Английский. Простенькое задание

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Vocabulary Health problems

A Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

2 burnt

3 stiff

8 cut

4 cough

6 hurts

5 cold

7 infection

1 headache

10 sick

9 hungry

1. Do you have any aspirin? I've got a

2 I my arm frying an egg

3 My legs are after my run yesterday

4. That's a bad You should stop smoking

5 I'm going to take the day on. I have a I don't want anyone else to get it.

6 You shouldn't carry that if your back

7 The doctor said i have a chest...

8 I my foot on a piece of glass,

9 I haven't eaten all day. I'm really...

10. I feel really ill. I think I'm going to be

1. cold

2. burnt

3. stiff

4. cough

5. headache

6. hurts

7. infection

8. cut

9. hungry

10. sick

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