DSПрочитайте текст заполните пропуски 1 6 долями предложений, обозначеннымибуквамиА

Прочитайте текст заполните пропуски 1 6 долями предложений, обозначенными
буквамиА G. одна из долей в списке излишняя. Внесите буковку, означающую
соответствующую часть предложения, в таблицу.
Dear Barbara, thank you for your letter. You ask me to describe my house. Well, I think it's
different from yours. It's a big house made of stone. There 1
four floors in it and
my bedroom is at the top. I don't have 2
furniture in it but I like it. There is a
small 3
in the corner where I keep my clothes. Next to the wardrobe there is a
standard lamp and an armchair. I like to sit in the 4
_reading books.
Under my room there 5
_ my parents' bedroom, which is next to the living
room. We have 6
-, supper and tea in the living room and we usually spend a
lot of time there.
A. spend
B. wardrobe
-C., are
D. is
E. much
F. armchair
G. dinner

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1 ответ
  1. C are
  2. E much
  3. B wardrobe
  4. F armchair
  5. D is
  6. A spend
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