Do the tasks alongside the text. a What is going awry?

Do the tasks alongside the text. a What is going awry? b Why are British skiers mentioned here? c Why is the Wall Street Crash mentioned here? d Has Barney followed his customers instructions about the haircut? e Who is the victim and why? f What do you think a prisoner at a maximum security prison (тюрьма требовательного режима) looks like? What might he think like? g What are the two options Barney is thinking of? h Is the client really that wide? Do you know what such a literary device is called? i Translate the headline. j Why has the barber rejected the first option? k Why could using a hairdryer ruin his image? l What was the decision he мейд and why did he imagine himself to be Steve McQueen? m Describe in your own words what happened a quarter of an hour later. n Say in your own words what Barney is / isn39;t going to do for the next few weeks. o Which of these two pictures shows the customers haircut after he left the barber39;s shop? Give your reasons. CUSTOMERS MUST HAVE HAIR It is going awry. Seriously awry. There are even British skiers at the Winter Olympics who have done better than this. Barney catches the customers eye in the mirror, and smiles. Best not to let them know the full horror of what is happening. Sometimes, when the brain is still fuzzy and your fingers have yet to warm up, the first haircut of the day can be a calamity. A quick brush with the best intentions, before plummeting into the hairdressing equivalent of a Wall Street Crash. It will begin with a smile and a whistle of hope, but somewhere along the way it becomes a horror story. He studies the work he has done so far, and realises the shambles which he is creating. The customer requested the most straightforward of haircuts, a Frank Sinatra 39;62, but things have tumbled dramatically out of хэнд. Barney considers the only two options open to barbers when things have gone as badly wrong as this. Firstly, you can continue to cut, evening everything up, until the hair is the same length all round. However, this will likely leave the victim looking like a prisoner at a maximum security prison, and if he thinks like a prisoner at a maximum security prison, youre in trouble. Secondly, completely drown the customers head in water, deny him the use of a hairdryer, and let the full horror of what has been inflicted upon him be revealed much later when his hair has dried naturally. It will be an unlucky man who, under those circumstances, finds himself on a date with a girl whom he desperately does not want to look stupid in front of. Barney39;s customer is of immense bulk. Seven or eight feet wide, thinks Barney, and he can imagine the headlines in the newspapers. Sumo Wrestler Squashes Barber To Pulp. Judge Acquits Goliath For Revenge Murder Of Inept Barber. Option one is out. It will have to be number two, with the hope that such a titan will not ask for the hairdryer, lest other customers think him stupid. He hesitates, but there can only be one decision. Imagining himself to be Steve McQueen, he attempts to look composed and cool, and sets to work with all the certitude he can muster. Quarter of an hour later he breathes a sigh of relief as the customer, with his hair horrendously butchered and then drowned under a jug of water, retreats from the shop. Barney makes a note, to add to the list which is growing longer by the day, to ensure that he avoids the bloke in the street for the next few weeks. He looks round at the waiting area where there is a solitary figure in the queue. Recognising him as a regular of one of the other barbers, he nods at the man with no little resentment, then begins sweeping up the hair from the previous customer noticing as he does so that a disproportionate amount of it lies on the right-хэнд side. From Barney Thomson by Douglas Lindsay

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a) The haircut.

b) The British skiers are mentioned as they have never had achievements in this kind
of спорт and to emphasise the scale of Barneys ineptness.

c) The haircut is being compared with a great historical event (catastrophe) to exaggerate
the damage.

d) No, he hasnt. Barney tried to follow the clients instructions but the haircut has got out
of control.

e) The client is called a victim because he is still unaware of that fact that his haircut is
going wrong.

f) Prisoners of a maximum security prison have very story haircuts and are considered
the toughest and the most dangerous criminals. Barney is worried that his client is a tough,
strong and aggressive man.

g) The barber wants either to do a very short but even haircut, or to leave the customers
hair wet and hide the results of his work for a bit longer.

h) The client is wide, but not seven or eight feet wide; he is described like that to stress
Blarneys horror of tire consequences of his work. It is hyperbole: a way of describing
something by saying it is much bigger, smaller, worse, etc., than it is. There arc other
examples in the text: victim, calamity, horror story, butchered, etc.

i) Possible translation: Боец сумо раздавил в лепешку парикмахера. Суд оправдал
Голиафа, отомстившего бездарному парикмахеру.

j) The option of making a client look like a prisoner at maximum security prison may
lead to a client being aggressive and taking revenge on the barber who has spoiled his hair.

k) It is not very man-like to have the hair dried with a hairdryer.

l) He makes a decision to pretend that nothing is going wrong and chooses the second
option: to pour water on the clients head and to hide the results. He identifies himself with
the famous actor who always acts decisively in risky and dangerous situations and deals
with them brilliantly.

m) Quarter of an hour later the client leaves, but the barber feels quite happy and
satisfied at having got rid of the client.

n) Barney makes himself a mental note to try not to meet this person in the street in the nearer future.
о) Picture 1.

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