На магическом полуострове Нетландия живут различные жители. Каждый денек они занимаются

На магическом полуострове Нетландия живут разные жители. Каждый денек они занимаются различными делами. 1) Бросьте кубик два раза. Первое число укажет на жителей острова, а второе на их предполагаемые занятия. Уточните у Питера Пэна, так ли это, послушайте его ответы и отметьте правильные варианты. The pirates sing songs! Peter, do the pirates really sing songs? Yes, they do. They sing songs all day long. 1. The pirates 2. The Indians 3. The mermaids 4. The fairies 5. The animals 6.The lost boys 1. go round the island 2. sing songs 3. chase the Indians 4. hunt animals 5. fly round the island 6. swim in the sea and play 2) Поведайте, что вы узнали у Питера Пэна о занятиях жителей острова. Послушайте и проверьте.

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1) The pirates sing songs! Peter, do the pirates really sing songs?
Yes, they do. They sing songs all day long.
The Indians hunt animals! Peter, do the Indians really hunt animals?
Yes, they do. They hunt animals all day long.
The mermaids swim in the sea and play! Peter, do the mermaids really swim
in the sea and play?
Yes, they do. They swim in the sea and play all day long.
The fairies fly round the island! Peter, do the fairies really fly round the island?
Yes, they do. They fly round the island all day long.
The animals chase the Indians! Peter, do the animals really chase the Indians?
Yes, they do. They chase the Indians all day long.
The lost boys go round the island! Peter, do the lost boys really go round the island?
Yes, they do. They go round the island all day long.

2) The pirates sing songs all day long.
The Indians hunt animals all day long.
The mermaids swim in the sea and play all day long.
The fairies fly round the island all day long.
The animals chase the Indians all day long.
The lost boys go round the island all day long.

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