Вы пытливый? Спросите собственных одноклассников, что они будут делать завтра, вечерком,

Вы пытливый? Спросите собственных одноклассников, что они будут делать завтра, вечерком, ни последующей неделе, в последующем месяце, в последующем году. Используйте слови в рамке. Example: Will you read in the evening? teach make a cake send visit watch TV put on help buy write take your pet for a walk come to see invite wear say goodbye celebrate open take off go.

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1 ответ

К примеру:
Will you teach your pet tomorrow?
Will you make a cake in the evening?
Will you send greetings cards next year?
Will you visit your relatives next month?
Will you watch TV in the evening?
Will you put on your new dress tomorrow?
Will you help your mother about the house next week?
Will you buy bread tomorrow?
Will you write a letter in the evening?
Will you take your pet for a walk in the evening?
Will you come to see me next week?
Will you invite your friends to your birthday party next month?
Will you wear your shoes tomorrow?
Will you say goodbye to me in the evening?
Will you celebrate your birthday next year?
Will you open your shop next year?
Will you take off your jacket in the evening?
Will you go shopping tomorrow?

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