Answer the questions alongside the text. 1 Does this mean: a)

Answer the questions alongside the text. 1 Does this mean: a) ограниченный? b) охранный? c) прочный? 2 Does this mean: a) объединять? b) унифицировать? 3 Cl equal, equality 4 Does this mean: a) предмет? b) модель? c) субъект? 5 Does this mean: a) change place or position? b) go to live or work to a different place? c) cause someone to have strong feelings? To say that curiosity motivates science is to say that the process ends there, and certainly it does end there with most people (...]. Scientists go further, however. They make models which express the underlying pattern in the observations, such as Newtons laws or quantum mechanics [...]. I believe that the impetus to condense data into a theory originates from an aesthetic sense, the same sense that inspires artists [...J. We consider a theory elegant and great when it is able to integrate and simplify phenomena in a simple and conservative fashion. The same criteria are applied to great art. For example, it is generally conceded that Goya and Turner improved their art as their style evolved from a complex to a more simple and austere one. How similar this was to the work of James Clerk Maxwell, who was able to unify all classical, electrodynamic, magnetostatic, magnetodynamic, electromagnetic and optical effects into one phenomenon describable by four rather simple equations. In fact, it was this drive to unify which directed Maxwell to the conclusion that light has electronic origin [...]. The physical laws which constitute our theories, simplify our perception of nature, nature being infinitely more complex than our theories in the same way that the subject portrayed in a painting is more complex than the painting itself. Consider the famous and powerful prehistoric cave painting of a horse discovered in the Lascaux cave. It is obvious at a glance that part of the power of the painting stems from the fact that not all the details of the horse are given some are implied and we are grateful for and moved by that simplification. This, then, is arts great appeal, and science39;s, too, except that this aspect of science is not as generally known as it is in art... Science, like art, is very much a thing of the spirit. It is not the philosophical but aesthetic motives that drive most scientists...

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