Read the article and say what ideas from the list below

Read the article and say what ideas from the list below are mentioned in It. 1 The hobbies of modern people can be explained by their Stone Age way of thinking. 2 Stone Age people had a number of modern problems such as depression and ill-health. 3 Junk food is harmful for peoples health. 4 Football and shopping are substitutes for hunting in the modern world. 5 Contemporary people are not touched by real-life tragedies, they have TV series instead. 6 Personal computers may make people39;s lives better because they are small and environmentally-friendly. HEALTH AND HAPPINESS THE FLINTSTONE WAY (Geoffrey Lean on a call for Stone Age lifestyles) Humanity39;s way forward is back towards the Stone Age, a leading scientist says. He is calling on governments to build a Paleolithically correct futurequot;. Dr Gustav Milne, of the Institute of Archeology, believes that the modern love of soap operas and shopping, and such recreations as stamp collecting, football and picnicking, all prove that we have never grown out of a prehistoric mentality and that this may be partially responsible for today39;s diseases of anxiety, depression and ill-healthquot;. He says we still have the bodies of hunter-gatherers, and our digestive systems have not yet caught up with the Neolithic farming revolutionquot;. Designed for unprocessed, fresh foods, our stomachs rebel against junk food and we become unhealthy if we do not get enough exercise and fresh air. Our minds, too, are languishing to some extent in the Paleolithicquot;, writes Dr Milne in the current British Archeology Journal, and our hunter-gatherer emotional demandsquot; come out in our enjoyment of open fires and picnicking and the psychological satisfaction of keeping pets or filling homes with pot plants. Playing football and shopping are attempts to make up for the terrible psychological vacuum felt by hunter-gatherers lost in the 20th centuryquot;. Football is a compensation for the hunt, combining the elements of male bonding, adrenalin and the prospects of reward. And when we shop, we sublimate our need to comb the hedgerows for ripe and interesting foodstuffs. We all retain the Stone Age need to acquire, collect and store, although foodstuffs have been replaced by stamps, sea-shells or antiques.quot; People respond to artificial crises in soap operas while often being left cold by great tragedies in the real world, Dr Milne believes, because we have a Paleolithic need to identify with a small extended family or tribal unit, and find it difficult to respond emotionally to over-large groupsquot;. Compelled by market forces and economies of scale to work in big companies and live in large towns, we should instead design more PC (in the new sense of Paleolithically Correct) lifestyles that are based on smaller communities and greater respect for the countryside, he concludes. Small is beautiful because small is Paleolithic.quot;

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