Привет помоги пожалуйста с английским ) Задание The girls tell their

Привет помоги пожалуйста с английским ) Задание The girls tell their grandma about their new house . What new facts about the house have you learned ? Fill in the gaps with the verbs in the correct tense form. Текст ( переведёте) -Look! Now we have a big house.We have four bedrooms , a dining room , a living room and a kitchen . Ally and I have our own rooms . -The house is really big! (1)...(you buy) any new fernityre ? -Yes , our parents (2) ...(already buy ) this beautifyl dining table .Today we will have dinner together here and mum (3) ...(already sew) new curtains . -Oh,the room is really beautiful. Can you show me my room? - Of course , we can . It is next to my room . Mum (4)...(just rede corate ) it. (5)... ( she put) a new carpet on the floor? -Yes , she has . And she (6)...(make) this lamp. -It is very cosy here . (7)...(you see) the flowers in the garden ? - Yes , I have . (8)...(you help) your Dad with the flowers ? -Yes , I do . I always help him in the garden . We (9) ... ( plant ) there flowers together. - Good girl! Я там напутала чуток чуть со словом mum я где то написала место этого слова mum слово mam. Исправите.)))))

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