Пожалуйста, сократите два текста для пересказа. Основное передать сущность и основные

Пожалуйста, сократите два текста для пересказа. Главное передать сущность и главные события. 4-6 предложений на каждый текст подойдёт. Sir Gawayne39;s Bride At last the long evening was over, the last measure dan- ced, the last wine-cup drained, the bride escorted to her chamber, the lights out, the guests separated in their rooms, and Gawayne was free to think of what he had done, and to consider how he had ruined his whole hope of happi- ness. He thought of his uncle39;s favour, of the poor lady39;s gratitude, of the blessing she had invoked upon him, and he determined to be gentle with her, though he could never love her as his wife He entered the bride-chamber with the feeling of a man who has мейд up his mind to endure, and did not even look towards his bride, who sat awaiting him beside the fire. Choosing a chair, he sat down and looked sadly into the glowing embers and spoke no word. Have you no word for me, husband? Can you not even give me a glance asked the lady, and Sir Gawayne turned his eyes to her where she sat; and then he sprang up in amazement, for there sat no loathly lady, no ugly and deformed being, but a maiden young and lovely, with black eyes and long curls of dark hair, with beautiful face and tall and graceful figure. quot;Who are you, maiden?quot; asked Sir Gawayne; and the fair one replied: quot;I am your wife, whom you found between the oak and the holly tree, and whom you wedded this night39; Sir Gawayne39;s Choice But how has this marvel come to pass?quot; asked he wondering, for the fair maiden was so lovely that he marvelled that he had not known her beauty even under that hideous disguise. quot;It is an enchantment to which I am in bondagequot;, said she. quot;I am not yet entirely free from it, but now for a time I may appear to you as I really am. Is my lord content with his loving bride asked she, with a little smile, as she rose and stood before him. quot;Content!quot; he said, as he clasped her in his arms. quot;I would not change my dear lady for the fairest dame in Arthur court, not though she were Queen Guenever herself. I am the happiest knight that lives, for I thought to save my uncle and help a hapless lady, and I have won my own happiness thereby. Truly I shall never rue the day when I wedded you, dear heartquot; Long they sat and talked together, and then Sir Gawayne grew weary, and would fain have slept, but his lady said: quot;Husband, now a heavy choice awaits you. I am under the spell of an evil witch, who has given me my own face and form for half the day, and the hideous appearance in which you first saw me for the other half. Choose now whether you will have me fair by day and ugly by night, or hideous by day and beauteous by night. The choice is your ownquot; Буду премного благодарен!

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