Задание 1. Воткните артикль. She is ... economist. ...USA.... Russia. They

Задание 1. Воткните артикль. She is ... economist. ...USA.... Russia. They say ... sugar is bad for you.... White House. To be at... loss. As ... result. To tell... time. I must go to ... bank and ... post office. They are looking for ... man with ... long dark hair. Helen is quite ... inexperienced secretary. I see ... car. I see ... cars. ... Pacific Ocean. At... time. Задание 2. Образуйте множественное число существительных. Woman, child, tax, bill, life, delivery, branch, foot, deer, customs, leaf, bank, voice, mountain, book. Задание 3. Изберите существительное в общем либо притяжательном падеже в зависимости от смысла. These are (Mike, Mike39;s) books. (Experts, experts39;) are on the plant. Give (Jake, Jake39;s) this article. (My sister, my sister39;s) friends are very funny. Don39;t take (Jane, Jane39;s) papers. (The engineers, the engineers ) report is very important for us. Задание 4. Образуйте сравнительную и отличную ступени прилагательных. difficult, high, far, interesting, long, many ? Задание 5. Выпишите из текста все наречия. Unfortunately when people think of Britain they usually only think of London. But if you travel 100 miles out of this city, it39;s as if you are in a different world. The people there are ; more relaxed, more helpful. I39;ve always had the idea that British people are clever. I think there isn39;t much to do there in the way of entertainment, that39;s why people may read more. 1 rarely hear about violence in Great Britain. My image of Britain is probably far from the truth, but it39;s the way I see it. Задание 6. Заполните пропуски предлогами и переведите предложения на российский язык. Every day he stands up ... 7 o39;clock. Jake goes... the Institute. Don39;t take his books... the table. Come ... this room, please. The report is ... that telex. Ann tells us ... her parents. We39;ll be ready ... two hours. I play violin ... 15 ... 18 o39;clock. Pete likes writing ... a pen. His opinion is listened ... all workers. Moscow is not far ... here. There is a big supermarket... our Institute. . Задание 7. Переведите на британский язык. 3 экономиста, 7 баксов, 12 книжек, 16 км, 33 года, 91 телекс, 104 бутерброда, 522 писателя, 8.293 экономиста, 720.600 статей, 1.100.100 человек. Задание 8. Изберите и вставьте подходящее по смыслу местоимение. My, his, these, that, those, some (2), any (2), it, somebody, anything, nothing, our 1) I found ... interesting there. 2) He came up to the window.... was open. 3) Did you find ... new in the article? 4)... has locked the door. 5) I left... books on ... table. 6)... new English texts were rather difficult. 7) This student works at... table. 8) These books must be kept in ... bookcases. 9) I need ... time to think it over. 10) If she has ... sense of humour, she will like the film. 11)... are my friends. 12) Take ... glasses from that shelf. 13) Have you ... English books? Задание 9. Вставьте нужную форму глагола to be в настоящем времени. I... at home now. My daughter ... a pupil of the 6th year. I... not a student of mathematics. We ... in London now. Kate ... in the class. Jane and her brother ... not Russian. ... your brother an economist? My friend ... not a manager.... you from Moscow or from Tula? They ... not scientists yet. Задание 10. Переведите на британский язык, используя выражение there is/ there are. На дощечке написаны российские слова, а не английские. В этом журнальчике много статей. На заводе много высококвалифицированных рабочих. У меня дома есть занимательный портрет. Есть труд, который называется Исследование природы и обстоятельств благосостояния народов. В этой работе есть определённый смысл. В Лондоне малюсенько высотных зданий. Задание 11. Поставьте глаголы в нужную форму. 1 То the left of the window you (to see) a sofa. 2 He (to like) reading very much. 3 My sister (to play) the piano well. 4 My parents (to have) a flat in a new district. 5 He sometimes (to give) me English books. 6 Nina39;s brother (to have) a piano. 7 I often (to go) to see my friend39;s family. 8 He (to work) at a factory. 9 His parents (to live) with them too. 10 He (to live) with his family. Задание 12. Задайте к каждому предложению все типы вопросов. 1 There are beautiful decorations in this theatre. 2 He works on computer about two hours a day. 3 A lot of kinds of trees grow in this forest.

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