Плиз помогите решить задание по английскому очень надобно!!! Choose the right

Плиз помогите решить задание по британскому очень надобно!!! Choose the right preposition 1. Its very nice you to let me use your car. a). on b). of c). in d). off 2. Im not very good repairing things. a). at b). on c). in d). with 3. Linda is married an American. a).on b).in c). at d). to 4. Are you afraid dogs? a). of b). at c). on d). about 5. Jill starts her new job on Monday. Shes quite excited it. a). with b). about c). at d). on 6. Im sorry . the noise last night. We were having a party. a). with b). on c). about d). of 7. Kazan is famous .its Universiade 2013. a). for b). with c). of d) in 8. Who was responsible .all that noise? a). of b). with c). in d). for 9. Are you interested art? a). in b). at c). on d). of 10. We had many tests, so I was very tired . doing homework. a). off b). of c). with d). about 11. Mary is very fondmusic. She goes to music school four times in a week. a). in b). on c). of d). at 12. The letter I wrote was full.. mistakes. a). off b). with c). on d). of 13. Who does this coat belong? a). to b). with c). in d).at 14. Do you believe God? a). on b). about c). in d).at 15. I complained missing a taxi. a). of b). about c).at d). with 16. The advantage living alone is that you can do what you like. a). about b). of c). in d). on 17. He always keeps a photograph his wife in his wallet. a). with b).in c). of d). off 18. Did you get an invitation the party? a). to b). in c). on d). with 19. His attitude his job is very negative. a). on b). in c). with d). towards 20. Do you have a good relationship your parents? a). to b). between c). with d). on 21. There are some differences British English and American English. a). between b). among c). on d).with 22. His reaction my suggestion was not very enthusiastic. a). to b). on c). in d). over 23. Toms away at the moment. He is holiday in France. a). in b). on c). over d). at 24. After work we went to a caf a drink. a). on b). to c). for d). with 25. What did you have .lunch? a). for b). in c). at d). on

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