Помогите с переводом,пожалуйста..At the base of each clockface is a Latin

Помогите с переводом,пожалуйста..At the base of each clockface is a Latin inscription, in giltletters. It reads - DOMINE SALVAM FAC REG IN AMNOSTRAM VICTORIAM PRIMAM, which means OLord, keep safe our Queen Victoria the First.Clock Tower is the фокус of New Year celebrations in theUnited Kingdom, when radio and TV stations translate itschimes to welcome the start of the year.British TV programme News at Ten shows the image of theClock Tower, with the sound of clocks chimes marking theheadlines of news. It has been done so for the last 41 years.Tower clocks seen around the world have been inspired bythe look of the Great Clock of Big Ben.

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