Написать письмо !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!You have got a letter from your English-speaking pen

Написать письмо !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!You have got a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Steve.... Next уear I will go to the sixth form where I will learn Maths, Information Technology, English and two more subjects which ones, I haven39;t decided yet. I want to get into Oxford. It is rather difficult and you need to work hard. What opportunities do you have when you choose where to study? What are your plans for the future? What subjects are you interested in? Write a letter to Steve and answer his questions. Ask him three questions about British schools. You have 20 minutes to do this task. Write 100-140 words.

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Hi Steve. Thank you for your letter. Im always happy to hear about you, your school life and your plans. I hope all your dreams will come true. At school we study a lot of different subjects but my favorite subjects are Literature, History, and English. As for me, I have always wanted to be a journalist. I think it is an interesting and useful profession. I like everything connected with mass media. Unfortunately there is no such Institutes in our city where I can study this profession and I will have to go to another city. But also, as I am fond of English, I would like to go abroad to study because there are more opportunities to кeceive education not only as a journalist, but also to improve my level of knowledge in English .
I would like to know more about British schools. How many types of schools do you have in your country? When do most children begin to study? How many lessons do you usually have every day?
Do the children pass exams to secondary school? What are the most famous universities in your country?
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