Заполните пропуски One of .... websites that has been very successful

Заполните пропуски One of .... websites that has been very successful in recent years in YouSell. On YouSell, people take things that belong ...them and offer them to sale. Other people offer...amount f money, and ...person who offers the most money wins the item. Then they pay ... the item...cheque of credit card. It39;s ... simple idea, but it39;s become a very popular way of buying and selling. Even if you only have a ... of money, you can often find something you want on YouSell. Most of the items are...good condition, and YouSell has a ... of happy users.

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One of the websites that has been very successful in recent years in YouSell. On YouSell, people take things that belong to them and offer them to sale. Other people offer some amount of money, and the person who offers the most money wins the item. Then they pay for the item with cheque or credit card. Its a simple idea, but its become a very popular way of buying and selling. Even if you only have a little of money, you can often find something you want on YouSell. Most of the items are in good condition, and YouSell has a  lot of happy users.

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