Заполните пропуски соответствующими формами глагола to be и to have 1.

Заполните пропуски соответствующими формами глагола to be и to have 1. The founder of sociology ... Auguste Comte 2. The first sociologists ... Herbert Spencer, Ferdinand Tonnies and Emile Durkheim. 3. Sociology ... scientific methods of research . 4. Social processes ... independent of our will . 5. The subject matter of sociology ... human behaviour. 6. Comte39;s law of the three stages ... three approaches to Society 7. The public opinion poll ... the social barometer of the Country.

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1. The founder of sociology is Auguste Comte. 2. The first sociologists were Herbert Spencer, Ferdinand Tonnies and Emile Durkheim. 3. Sociology has scientific methods of research. 4. Social processes are independent of our will. 5. The subject matter of sociology is human behaviour. 6. Comtes "law of the three stages" has three approaches to society. 7. The public opinion poll is the social barometer of the Country.

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