1. Open the brackets using used to or Past Indefinite to

1. Open the brackets using used to or Past Indefinite to complete the sentences. My brother (go) _____________________to the swimming pool when he was a child. 1) She (read) __________________________a lot last summer. 2) They (write)________________ the test yesterday. 3) When (be)______________ you in Paris? 4) I (not play chess)__________a lot, but now I play chess almost every day. 2. Find the mistakes and correct them where necessary using Past Indefinite and Past Continuous. 1) Who watched TV when you was coming home? 2) I played computer games the whole day yesterday. 3) They saw him when he was going for a walk. 4) They didnt write letters at 5 oclock yesterday. 5) Where were you seeing her yesterday? 3. Choose the correct verb form in the Past Indefinite or Present Perfect. 1. I just ( have seen/ saw) Jack. 2. I (didnt eat/ havent eaten) ice-cream since summer. 3. He (came/ has come) home late yesterday. 4. I (didnt see/ havent seen) you for ages! I am very glad to see you. 5. When you (did see/ have seen) the Swan Lake? 6. She ( visited/ has visited) her Granny last week. 4. Complete the sentences using Future Simple, Present Continuous or be going to. 1) They _________________to France tomorrow. 2) I think, I______________help you tomorrow. 3) Helen ________________ leave for Washington soon. 4) Next Sunday I __________to the seaside. 5) Tom _________________play football with us today. Will you join us? 5. Express the following in English. 1) Я не люблю ни помидоры, ни морковь. 2) Вчера я не играл ни в шахматы, ни в футбол. 3) Они не собираются ни смотреть телевизор, ни играть в компьютерные игры. 4) Ранее я не играл ни на пианино, ни на гитаре, а сейчас умею на их играть очень превосходно. 5) Завтра мы не пойдем ни в музей, ни в парк. 6) Сейчас он не читал ни книжек, ни газет.

Задать свой вопрос
1 ответ
2) wrote 3) were 4)didnt played chess

1) Who watched TV when you were coming home?
2) I played computer games for the whole day yesterday.
3) They saw him when he was on a walk.
4) They didnt wrote letters at 5 oclock yesterday.
5) Where you were seeing her yesterday?

1) I just have seen Jack.
2) I havent eaten ice-cream since summer.
3) He came home late yesterday.
4) I havent seen you for ages! I am very glad to see you.
5) When you have seen the Swan Lake?
6) She visited her Granny last week.

1) They will go to France tomorrow.
2) I think, I will help you tomorrow.
3) Helen will leave for Washington soon.
4) Next Sunday I will go to the seaside
5) Tom will play football with us today. Will you join us?

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