Представьте глаголы в скобках в подходящем медли страдательного залога (Passive Voice).

Представьте глаголы в скобках в подходящем времени страдательного залога (Passive Voice). l. I noticed at once that the room (clean, recently). 2. Where did you hear that? I (tell) by a man I know well. 3. Ann is not in her room and her bed (not, sleep) in 4. Mr. Black (expect) to return shortly. 5. I (give) a ticket and in the evening I went to the theatre 6. Any mistakes (make) in the test. 7. They (ask) to stay a little longer. 8. Great progress (make) in physics last year. 9. Jack (think) to be clever but lazy 10. Coal (use) for making artificial materials 11. These books (read) by many people. 12. The children (punish) for broken mirror. 13. I am ill the doctor (send) for. 14. At the moment he (see) as an enemy. 15. He (ask) at the police for some houses

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l. I noticed at once that the room had been cleaned recently.
2. Where did you hear that? I was told by a man I know well.
3. Ann is not in her room and her bed has not been slept in.
4. Mr. Black is expected to return shortly.
5. I had been given a ticket and in the evening I went to the theatre.
6. Any mistakes havent been мейд in the test.
7. They were asked to stay a little longer.
8. Great progress was мейд in physics last year.
9. Jack is thought to be clever but lazy.
10. Coal is used for making artificial materials.
11. These books are read by many people.
12. The children were punished for broken mirror.
13. I am ill the doctor has been sent for.
14. At the moment he is seen as an enemy.
15. He was asked at the police for some houses. 

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