Match the questions to the answers. 1. Where does Sam work?

Match the questions to the answers. 1. Where does Sam work? 2. What does Judy do for a living? 3. Where does Sam want to meet Judy? 4. What is it like in Brazil? 5. What does Judy look like? 6. How old is Judy? 7. Why is Judy worried? 8. What are women in Brazil like? 9. What do women in Brazil look like? 1 0. How old is Sam? 11. Where is Sam? 12. What does Sam look like? 13. What is Judy like? 14. What does Sam love? 15. What does Sam want Judy to do? 16. Who does Judy love? 17. What is Sam like? At the airport. Sam. Twenty-seven. Hes not a very nice man. He wants her to come to Brazil. Beautiful. In Brazil, in a small town on the coast. She39;s very pretty. Nice and intelligent, with a good sense of humour. Very, very friendly. She doesn39;t know where Sam is. Its warm, and the sea is nice for swimming. In a bank as assistant manager. He39;s good-looking. Money, cars, good food, whisky, travel and beautiful women. Twenty-two. She39;s a medical student.

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1 ответ
  1. In a bank as assistant manager.
  2. Shes a medical student.
  3. At the airport.
  4. Its warm, and the sea is nice for swimming.
  5. Shes very pretty.
  6. Twenty-two.
  7. She doesnt know where Sam is.
  8. Very, very friendly.
  9. Beautiful.
  10. Twenty-seven.
  11. In Brazil, in a small town on the coast.
  12. Hes good-looking.
  13. Nice and intelligent, with a good sense of humour.
  14. Money, cars, good food, whisky, travel and beautiful women.  
  15. He wants her to come to Brazil.
  16. Sam.
  17. Hes not a very nice man. 
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