Поставьте глагол в нужной форме: 1. In fainting a person ...

Поставьте глагол в нужной форме: 1. In fainting a person ... consiousness. a) is losing; b) loses. 2. Red rash ... on his body yesterday. a) appears; b) appeared. 3. As the patient ... of the dentist, the dental nurse ... him an injection now. a) are afraid of; a) gives; b) is afraid of; b) is giving. 4. Pete ... from 5 to 6 o39;clock yesterday. a) was reading; b) read. 5. The syringe ... by the nurse ten minutes ago. a) was boild; b) boiled. 6. The patient ... in a wheel chair into a ward in an hour. a) will be taken; b) will take. 7. Strong emotion, want of flood, fatigue and pain ... the causes of fainting. a) are; b) is. 8. Soon my friend ... a doctor. a) will be; b) is; c) was. 9. Last year during my work with infectious patients. I ... two important tasks: to take care of the patient and to prevent the spread of infection. a) has; b) have; c) had. 10. Grown up children with rickets ... protruding bellies, big heads and crooked legs. a) have; b) has.

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1. In fainting a person loses consciousness. 2. Red rash appeared on his body yesterday. 3. As the patient is afraid of the dentist, the dental nurse is giving him an injection now. 4. Pete was reading from 5 to 6 oclock yesterday. 5. The syringe was boiled by the nurse ten minutes ago. 6. The patient will be taken in a wheel chair into a ward in an hour. 7. Strong emotion, want of flood, fatigue and pain are the causes of fainting. 8. Soon my friend will be a doctor. 9. Last year during my work with infectious patients, I had two important tasks: to take care of the patient and to prevent the spread of infection. 10. Grown up children with rickets have protruding bellies, big heads and crooked legs.

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