Необходимо поменять действительный залог страдательным и перевести предложения на российский язык.

Необходимо заменить действительный залог страдательным и перевести предложения на русский язык. 1) The audience enjoyed the concert very much. 2) The little boy ate the cake. 3) The teacher corrects our exercises at home. 4) They started a dancing class last week. 5) Everybody will see this film soon. 6) The teacher returned our written works to us. 7) Mr. Parker will leave the tickets at the box-office. 8) The students translate texts during English lessons. 9) Mary took that book from the desk. 10)The painter will finish his picture soon. 11)They allowed the children to go to the zoo.

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1. The audience enjoyed the concert very much. The concert was enjoyed by the audience very much. Концерт очень понравился созерцателям.
2. The little boy ate the cake. The cake was eaten by the little boy. Пирог был съеден махоньким мальчиком.
3. The teacher corrects our exercises at home. Our exercises are corrected by the teacher at home. Наши упражнения исправляются учителем дома.
4. They started a dancing class last week. A dancing class was started by them last week. Танцевальный урок начали на прошлой неделе.
5. Everybody will see this film soon. This film will be seen by everybody soon. Быстро этот кинофильм будет просмотрен всеми. 
6. The teacher returned our written works to us. Our written works were returned to us by the teacher. Наши письменные работы были возвращены нам учителем. 
7. Mr. Parker will leave the tickets at the box-office. The tickets will be left at the box-office by Mr. Parker.  Билеты будут оставлены в кассе мистером Паркером. 
8. The students translate texts during English lessons. Texts are translated by the students during English lessons. Тексты переводятся студентами на уроках английского языка. 
9. Mary took that book from the desk. That book was taken from the desk by Mary. Это книжка была взята со стола Мэри. 
10. The painter will finish his picture soon. The painters picture will be finished by him soon. Картина живописца будет скоро закончена. 
11. They allowed the children to go to the Zoo. The children were allowed to go to the Zoo. Детям разрешили пойти в зоопарк. 

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