Ex. 4. (В, С) Insert the Past Indefinite or the Past

Ex. 4. (В, С) Insert the Past Indefinite or the Past Perfect.-раскрыть скобки 1. We hardly (leave) town, when it ____________ (begin) to rain. 2. The moon ,______________ (not / rise). There was nothing to dispel the dark of the night. 3. On glancing at the address, he observed that it contained no name. The stranger_____________ __________________ (not/ go) far, so he followed him to ask it. 4. When at his house , they ________ (tell) me that he ____________ (leave) an hour ago. 5. No sooner he _____________ (take) a drink himself, than Mrs Fettle (look) in. 6. When I ____________ (come) to see my friend, I _______________ (find) him lying in bed. He _________________ (look) very pale as he ____________ (be) seriously ill for a whole month. 7. He hardly __________________ (light) another cigarette, when the general ______________ (come) into the courtyard. 8. Gemma went slowly down the stairs, Martini following in silence. She___________(grow) to look ten years older in these few days, and her hair ____________ (become) gray. 9. Presently the sounds of voices and footsteps approaching along the terrace roused her from the dreamy state into which she _______________ (fall). 10. She was a woman of nearly fifty who._____________(be) obviously pretty once. 11. Moreover, to him, the doctor, the affair was the commonplace; it was just a hysterical woman who ________ (quarrel) with her friend and ____________(take) poison. 12. I____________ (leave) home at 8 o39;clock, but I___________ (not/go) far when I______________ (remeber) that I____________ (forget) to lock my door. 13. When Alison ________ (disappear) the first strains of the orchestra came stealing out to me from inside the hall. 14. Scarcely I ____________ (close) the door when a gust of wind ____________ (open) it again.

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