Составить предложения со словосочетаниями на британском go to the theatre in

Составить предложения со словосочетаниями на британском go to the theatre in the evening,walk in the parks,go on a boat,send postcards,go shopping,buy souvenirs,call friends,send text messages(SMS),enjoy traditional meals in cafes,have a good time

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1. My parents will go to the theatre in the  tomorrow.

2. I like fresh air and long walk in the parks.

3. My father and I went on a boat last weekends.

4. My grandmother always sends postcards to all our relatives.

5. I usually go shopping on Fridays.

6. He often buys me souvenirs from different countries.

7. I always call friends to talk about something interesting.

8. I dont like send text messages(SMS), I prefer to speak by phone.

9. I like travelling and I always enjoy traditional meals in cafes.

10. We were at the party and had a good time last week.


1)After Supper she goes with her friend to the theatre in the evening.2)Every day Jane walks in the park with her pet.3)They tries everything to have a good time in the town.4)They go shopping at holidays to buy something to decorate house.
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