Воткните глаголы в Present Simple, Present Perfect, Past Simple. Nigel Hurricane

Воткните глаголы в Present Simple, Present Perfect, Past Simple. Nigel Hurricane drives racing cars. This year he (1)...(come) first in 8 races so far and (2)...(win) the World Championship. He (3)...(learn) to drive in 1969 and (4)...(start) to race fast cars 10 years later. He (5)...(earn) a lot of money and he (6)...(become) very famous. He now (7)...(live) in America. He (8)...(get) married 3 year ago and he (9)... 2 children.

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Nigel Hurricane drives racing cars. This year he has come first in 8 races so far and won the World Championship. He learnt to drive in 1969 and started to race fast cars 10 years later. He has earned a lot of money and he has become very famous. He now lives in America. He got married 3 year ago and he has 2 children. 

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